Saturday, September 6, 2008

Resentment strategy

Bill Maher on the Rovian strategy of stoking resentment for fictitious bombast and elitism on the part of the left. Krugman too weighs in less polemically and more incisively on this all-important issue. It's political as hell, of course, and devoid of substance, but maybe that's precisely the reason why it needs to be pointed out again and again. Though the right naturally has a political platform, you wouldn't have guessed it listening to the best they could give at RNC. Bitterness, rancor and general partisanship prevailed as they inveighed again and again against some diffuse east-coast snobbery while avoiding almost all issues of substance. Unfortunately, it gets the votes. Many of the right will be sticking it to the left by voting with the Republican party, convinced that the spluttering anger that their speakers conveyed in fact characterizes the "angry left". Will anger be more effective than hope?

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